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It is five generations since the Cassam Chenaï family from India, and in particular from the Gujrat region settled in Madagascar. Over the time some of the members of the family decided to create their own business, just like Shahin Cassam Chenaï. Mena means red in Malagasy. Red like the colour of the earth rich in minerals and sediments deposited by the Sambirano river, red like the colour of the cacao pods sourced from the best producers of Sambirano valley, red like the colour of the chocolate and finally like the Red Island: Madagascar. The packaging of the bars highlights the faces of the different ethnic groups, which represent the Malagasy people. Tanala, Betsimisaraka, Mahafaly, Antanosy, Bara or Merina, all represented with their traditional clothes and headdresses. A tribute, and a will to discover a country with many cultures that make the wealth of Madagascar, and a recall of Shahin Cassam Chenaï to one of the first activities of the family, which had started at the beginning of the XIXth century with selling postcards.